Nasir Sohail
Top 10 Smartphones under 10000 in India
There are varieties of smartphones available in the market these days. These phones can be categorized on the basis of price, specifications, user experience...
Top 5 High End Gaming Laptops in India
So what exactly makes a gaming laptop distinct from others? Is it the processor, the RAM, the graphics memory, or a little bit of...
10 Best Web Hosting Providers of 2018
There are so many companies out there that provide web hosting services. To make the hosting plans more affordable and appealing to the users,...
How to Enable PHP Zip Archive Module on GoDaddy’s Shared Hosting?
PHP zip archive is a process or tool installed on your web hosting server that enable PHP script / command to archive a file...
5 Best Laptops under ₹25000 in India
5 Best Laptops under ₹25000/- in India
Laptops are one of the most diverse electronic products out there. With tens of companies, hundreds of models, and...
Free SSL or HTTPS for custom domains is now available for your blog hosted...
This is a good news that Google is finally providing a free SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer) certificates to all custom domain hosted on...
Amazon Fire Stick VS. Google Chromecast
So here we are! Finally bringing together, and making comparisons between, the two most popular online streaming gadgets in the world – Amazon Fire...
How to add a custom message to your macOS Login Screen?
Have you ever noticed a Mac showing a custom "Welcome Message" before you can login, or have you ever accepted any fair computer usage policy before...
How to Copy all the Links from Google Search Results into a Spreadsheet?
It' really a great fun to have such a tool that can copy all the links from a Web page simply by dragging the...
How to mount USB or external drive in Single User Mode on Mac?
This article is specially written for those who are unable to boot their Mac in normal mode or Mac boot process stuck at grey screen...