locate path pid linux

How to locate the Process ID files in Linux Top Command?

When managing and troubleshooting processes in a Linux system, having access to the file path of a running process can be invaluable. This information...
automatically restart bitnami mariadb on failure

How to Automatically Restart Failed MariaDB service in Bitnami?

In the fast-paced world of web hosting and VPS management, ensuring your services run smoothly and with minimal downtime is crucial. Suppose you're using...
10 essential reasons why people use vpns

“10 Essential Reasons Why People Use VPN: Safeguarding Your Online World”

In our interconnected world, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become essential tools for protecting online privacy and security, as well as accessing the internet...
tips to advertise on avod

How To Advertise On AVOD

In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, Advertising-Based Video On Demand (AVOD) platforms have emerged as a powerful channel to reach a vast audience....
Unable To Connect To NordVPN Servers: 5 Ways To Fix it

Unable To Connect To NordVPN Servers: 5 Ways To Fix it

Virtual private networks (VPNs) may sound intimidating, but using these tools is simpler than you may imagine. There are countless benefits of utilizing a...
Set PHP Error log File name and Location

Turn on the PHP error log reporting in the same folder Where the script...

Error reporting plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of PHP applications. It allows developers to identify and fix issues quickly, ensuring...
Uses of Twitter in Business growth

Best Ways To Use Twitter To Grow Your Business

Twitter is one of the best-known social media platforms. This makes the app heavily useful as a marketing tool for brands and businesses. Additionally,...
iTOP VPN Review 2023

iTOP VPN Review 2023

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a kind of technology that authorizes users to specify a protected and encrypted connection over a public...
Install PHP intl Module on OpenliteSpeed WebServer

How to Install PHP Intl module on OneClick OpenliteSpeed WordPress Web server?

The PHP intl module is an extension to the PHP language, which provides internationalization and localization support in your applications. This is an essential...
10 DuckDuckGo Features That Make It Different From Google

10 DuckDuckGo Features That Make It Different From Google

As we navigate the digital landscape, it's become increasingly clear that our every move is being tracked, analyzed, and used for targeted advertising. The...