Age of Empires, Mythology: 2025 Developments from World’s Edge Studio

NewsAge of Empires, Mythology: 2025 Developments from World's Edge Studio

In 2024, the Age of Empires and Age of Mythology gaming communities experienced a monumental year marked by passion, creativity, and unforgettable adventures. This year was pivotal not just for the players but for the entire franchise, thanks to the enthusiasm and dedication of its fans. The journey began with the “New Year, New Age” showcase, continued through the thrilling Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado tournament, and saw fans connect at Gamescom. The highlight was the launch of Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires Mobile, which expanded the franchise’s reach significantly. With over 10 million new players, the Age of Empires community reached an impressive milestone of 60 million players worldwide.

As we step into 2025, the franchise is set to embark on an even more exciting journey, with numerous developments lined up for fans to enjoy. This year promises to be filled with fresh content, new platforms, and engaging experiences that will keep players immersed in the world of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology.

### Immortal Pillars Expansion Launches on March 4

For those eagerly awaiting new content for Age of Mythology: Retold, the wait is almost over. The Immortal Pillars expansion, announced at the Tokyo Game Show, is set to launch on March 4. Pre-orders are now available, offering fans a chance to dive into this new chapter of the game. The expansion introduces the Chinese pantheon, along with captivating maps, mythological units, and innovative gameplay features. If you already own the Age of Mythology: Retold Premium Edition, the Immortal Pillars expansion will be available at no additional cost, allowing you to explore new realms from day one.

### Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold Coming to PlayStation 5

In a move that broadens accessibility and unifies the community, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold will soon be available on PlayStation 5. This cross-platform availability is a significant step forward for the franchise, allowing players to engage with their favorite games across different systems. With cross-play functionality, Age of Empires is creating a unified global battlefield where every strategy and empire matters.

#### Age of Mythology: Retold on PlayStation 5

Starting March 4, PlayStation 5 players will have the opportunity to explore new myths and cultures with the release of Age of Mythology: Retold, coinciding with the Immortal Pillars expansion. PlayStation users can enjoy all the content available on Xbox and PC, including purchasing the Immortal Pillars expansion to experience the new Chinese pantheon.

PlayStation 5 players can also benefit from exclusive bonuses. By pre-ordering, they can access the Premium Edition, which offers five days of early access starting February 27, along with two exclusive Blessings for the Arena of the Gods mode. From March 4 onwards, updates will be simultaneously released across all platforms, including Steam, Windows Store, Xbox, and PlayStation 5, ensuring a seamless and unified gaming experience.

#### Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on PlayStation

This spring, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition will make its debut on PlayStation 5, alongside a new DLC expansion. This expansion promises to deliver exciting new content, including fresh civilizations for Ranked play, ensuring that players across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5 can enjoy the game together.

While specific details about the expansion remain under wraps, it promises to enhance the Age II: DE experience with innovative gameplay elements and strategic opportunities, further enriching the beloved classic.

### Two DLCs Bring New Ways to Play Age IV in 2025

Age of Empires IV players have much to look forward to in 2025, with two new DLCs set to expand the game. These DLCs continue to build on the concept of variant civilizations, a feature that captures the diverse strategic and military tactics of different historical groups. The first DLC, Knights of Cross and Rose, will launch this spring, introducing two renowned armies inspired by history and offering a challenging solo mode.

The DLCs will also bring a variety of new units and buildings, along with visual updates to enhance the gaming experience. Additionally, they will introduce unique game modes focused on shorter, repeatable experiences, encouraging players to experiment with new playstyles and hone their skills.

### Age of Empires Mobile: The Journey Continues

Since its launch, Age of Empires Mobile has captivated millions of players worldwide, bringing new fans into the community. The game has hosted a variety of events, from Halloween challenges to the Mightiest Empire contest, allowing players to expand their kingdoms and lead legendary heroes to victory.

February brings a host of new features and events to enhance the mobile experience. The Battle of Dawn campaign, set in a legendary temple, offers a multi-stage adventure leading to cross-server combat. Stellar Glory introduces a battle zone mode for competition between governors from different kingdoms. Valentine’s Day brings themed cosmetics, and Josephine’s Treasure Hunt invites players to participate in events that offer rewards through a game board system.

To celebrate Age of Empires Mobile, an exclusive gift code AoEMVLTN is available for the first 20,000 users to redeem, offering a special in-game bonus.

### Making History in 2025

This glimpse into 2025 showcases an extraordinary year ahead for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology fans. With a wealth of new content and experiences, the franchise continues to evolve and captivate players worldwide. To stay updated on the latest developments, fans are encouraged to follow community channels and engage with the franchise through forums, Discord, and Steam.

As the community charges into 2025, players can look forward to leading their favorite historical figures into new battles and adventures, ensuring that the legacy of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology continues to thrive.
For more Information, Refer to this article.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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