Streamline AWS Deployments with HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions

In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, effective and efficient cloud deployment is crucial. Recently, a significant development has emerged in the realm of cloud automation that promises to simplify and streamline AWS deployments. This article delves into the integration of HashiCorp’s HCP Terraform with GitHub Actions—a combination set to revolutionize how developers and IT professionals manage their cloud infrastructure.

Understanding HCP Terraform

HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) Terraform is a managed service that provides the core capabilities of Terraform Cloud, optimized for multi-cloud infrastructure provisioning. Terraform itself is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows users to define and provision data center infrastructure using a high-level configuration language. By leveraging HCP Terraform, users can automate the provisioning of cloud resources, ensuring consistency, reducing human error, and enabling efficient scaling.

What are GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions is a powerful automation tool integrated directly into GitHub, enabling users to automate workflows directly within their repositories. With GitHub Actions, developers can create custom software development life cycle (SDLC) workflows, from code testing and deployment to infrastructure automation. The integration of GitHub Actions with other tools and platforms makes it a versatile choice for continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

The Integration: HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions

The integration of HCP Terraform with GitHub Actions brings together two robust platforms, creating a seamless workflow for managing AWS deployments. Here’s how this integration can benefit your deployment process:

  1. Automated Infrastructure Provisioning: By using HCP Terraform scripts within GitHub Actions, you can automate the provisioning of AWS infrastructure. This ensures that every change in the codebase can trigger the necessary infrastructure updates, maintaining consistency and reducing manual intervention.

  2. Version Control and Collaboration: As HCP Terraform configurations are stored in GitHub repositories, every change can be tracked, reviewed, and rolled back if necessary. This version control capability enhances collaboration among team members, allowing for better coordination and quicker error resolution.

  3. Enhanced Security: The integration supports secure secret management, ensuring sensitive information like AWS credentials can be securely stored and accessed. GitHub Secrets and HCP Vault can be used to manage and protect these credentials, reducing the risk of exposure.

  4. Scalability: With HCP Terraform managing your infrastructure as code and GitHub Actions automating workflows, scaling your deployments becomes easier. Whether you’re deploying to a single AWS region or multiple regions, the process remains consistent and manageable.

    How It Works

    To utilize this integration effectively, follow these steps:

  5. Set Up HCP Terraform: Begin by setting up your HCP Terraform environment. Define your AWS infrastructure requirements using Terraform configuration files. HCP Terraform will manage these configurations, ensuring they are applied consistently.

  6. Configure GitHub Actions: Create a GitHub Actions workflow in your repository. This involves defining workflows using YAML files. Include steps to authenticate with HCP Terraform, apply your Terraform configurations, and handle any necessary post-deployment tasks.

  7. Automate Deployments: With your configurations in place, every push to your repository can trigger the GitHub Actions workflow. This will automatically apply your Terraform configurations to your AWS environment, ensuring your infrastructure is up to date with the latest code changes.

    Real-World Applications

    The integration of HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions can be particularly beneficial in various scenarios, such as:

    • DevOps Automation: Automating the deployment of development, staging, and production environments ensures consistency and reduces the time spent on manual setup.

    • Disaster Recovery: Quickly and accurately recreate infrastructure in a different region or account in the event of a failure, ensuring business continuity.

    • Compliance and Governance: Maintain compliance by ensuring infrastructure changes are tracked, reviewed, and approved through GitHub’s version control and workflow capabilities.

      Industry Reactions

      Many industry experts have praised this integration for its potential to streamline cloud operations. Jane Doe, a Senior DevOps Engineer at TechCorp, notes, "The combination of HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions has dramatically reduced our deployment times and increased our overall efficiency. The ability to manage our infrastructure as code and automate our workflows has been a game-changer."


      The integration of HCP Terraform with GitHub Actions is a significant advancement for those looking to streamline their AWS deployments. By automating infrastructure provisioning and leveraging the powerful workflow automation capabilities of GitHub Actions, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, security, and scalability in their cloud operations. Whether you are a developer, DevOps engineer, or IT manager, this integration offers a robust solution to modern cloud infrastructure challenges.

      For those eager to embrace this integration, now is the perfect time to explore how HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions can transform your AWS deployment processes. By staying ahead of the curve and adopting these tools, you can ensure your cloud infrastructure remains resilient, scalable, and secure.

      Additional Resources

    • HCP Terraform Documentation: Comprehensive guides and tutorials to get started with HCP Terraform.
    • GitHub Actions Documentation: Learn how to create and manage workflows within GitHub.
    • Terraform on AWS: Explore how Terraform can be used with AWS to manage your cloud infrastructure.

      By integrating these powerful tools, you can revolutionize your cloud deployment strategy and stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
NewsStreamline AWS Deployments with HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions---In today's fast-paced tech...

Automating Infrastructure with GitHub Actions and HashiCorp Terraform


In the world of modern software development, managing infrastructure as code (IaC) has become a vital practice. By leveraging tools like HashiCorp Terraform and GitHub Actions, developer teams can automate their infrastructure workflows, ensuring consistency, reducing manual errors, and improving collaboration. This article will guide you through setting up and automating infrastructure deployments on AWS using GitHub Actions in conjunction with HashiCorp’s HCP Terraform.

Why Use GitHub Actions with HCP Terraform?

Using GitHub Actions combined with HashiCorp Terraform is a common practice among development teams embarking on their IaC journey. GitHub Actions is a powerful tool that allows you to automate workflows directly from your code repository. However, as your infrastructure grows, managing it solely through GitHub Actions can lead to configuration drift—a scenario where the actual state of infrastructure diverges from its desired state.

To mitigate this, running Terraform configurations remotely via HCP Terraform is recommended. HCP Terraform is a managed cloud platform that ensures safer handling of resource creation, modification, and deletion. It offers robust systems and safeguards for team management and drift prevention, making it more effective than running configurations on GitHub Actions runners.

Workflow Overview

This guide will demonstrate how to use HCP Terraform to define AWS infrastructure and use GitHub Actions to automate changes. The process involves setting up a GitHub Actions workflow that interacts with HCP Terraform to deploy AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances.

HCP Terraform and GitHub Actions workflow


Before we dive into the setup, ensure you have the following:

  1. AWS Account: An AWS account with permissions to create resources.
  2. HCP Terraform Account: A workspace set up in HCP Terraform.
  3. GitHub Account: A repository for storing your Terraform configuration files.
  4. Terraform CLI: Installed on your local machine for testing purposes.

    Adding AWS Credentials to HCP Terraform

    To allow HCP Terraform to deploy resources in AWS, you need to securely provide AWS credentials. Set the AWS access key and secret access key environment variables in your HCP Terraform workspace. Follow this guide for detailed instructions.

    Adding HCP Terraform Token to GitHub Actions

    Fetch your TF_API_TOKEN by following the instructions in the HCP Terraform documentation. This token allows GitHub Actions to interact with your HCP Terraform workspace.

  5. Open your GitHub repository.
  6. Navigate to Settings -> Secrets -> Actions.
  7. Add a new repository secret named TF_API_TOKEN and paste the API token into the value field.

    Creating the GitHub Actions Workflow

    With credentials set up, the next step is to create a GitHub Actions workflow. Below is an example of a workflow YAML file that defines a job with steps to initialize, plan, apply, and destroy Terraform configurations.

    name: AWS Infra Creation Using HCP Terraform

    required: true
    branches: [ "main" ]
    branches: [ "main" ]

    tfcode_path: tfcloud_samples/amazon_ec2
    tfc_organisation: demo-tf-org
    tfc_workspace: demo-tf-workspace

    name: Create AWS Infra Using TFC
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest


    • name: Checkout tf code in runner environment
      uses: actions/checkout@v3.5.2

    • name: Setup Terraform CLI
      uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2.0.2
      cli_config_credentials_token: ${{ secrets.TF_API_TOKEN }}

    • name: Terraform init and validate
      run: |
      echo pwd
      echo " Running Terraform Init"
      terraform init
      echo " Running Terraform Validate"
      terraform validate
      working-directory: ${{ env.tfcode_path }}

    • name: Terraform Plan
      uses: hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github/actions/create-run@v1.3.0
      id: run
      workspace: ${{ env.tfc_workspace }}
      plan_only: true
      message: "Plan Run from GitHub Actions"
      hostname: ${{ env.tfc_hostname }}
      token: ${{ secrets.TF_API_TOKEN }}
      organization: ${{ env.tfc_organisation }}

    • name: Terraform Plan Output
      uses: hashicorp/tfc-workflows-github/actions/plan-output@v1.3.0
      id: plan-output
      hostname: ${{ env.tfc_hostname }}
      token: ${{ secrets.TF_API_TOKEN }}
      organization: ${{ env.tfc_organisation }}
      plan: ${{ }}

    • name: Reference Plan Output
      run: |
      echo "Plan status: ${{ steps.plan-output.outputs.plan_status }}"
      echo "Resources to Add: ${{ steps.plan-output.outputs.add }}"
      echo "Resources to Change: ${{ steps.plan-output.outputs.change }}"
      echo "Resources to Destroy: ${{ steps.plan-output.outputs.destroy }}"

      needs: aws_tfc_job
      if: github.event_name == ‘workflow_dispatch’
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    • name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3.5.2

    • name: Setup Terraform CLI
      uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2.0.2
      cli_config_credentials_token: ${{ secrets.TF_API_TOKEN }}

    • name: Terraform init and validate
      run: |
      echo pwd
      echo " Running Terraform Init"
      terraform init
      echo " Running Terraform Validate"
      terraform validate
      working-directory: ${{ env.tfcode_path }}

    • name: Terraform Apply
      run: echo " Running Terraform Apply"; terraform apply -auto-approve
      working-directory: ${{ env.tfcode_path }}

    • name: Terraform Destroy
      run: echo " Running Terraform Destroy"; terraform destroy -auto-approve
      working-directory: ${{ env.tfcode_path }}

      Workflow Breakdown

      Define the Triggers

      The workflow will be triggered by various events such as pushes, pull requests to the main branch, or manual triggers via the GitHub Actions interface.

      Configure Environment Variables

      Specify environment variables like tfcode_path, tfc_organisation, tfc_hostname, and tfc_workspace to point to your Terraform configurations and HCP Terraform workspace.

      Define Jobs

      Each automation step is defined inside the jobs block. The first job clones the repository into the runner environment. The next steps set up the Terraform CLI, initialize and validate Terraform, and run a plan to check the proposed infrastructure changes.

      Terraform Plan and Apply

      The workflow runs terraform plan to preview the changes and outputs the plan status and resource changes. After reviewing the plan, the terraform apply command is executed to apply the changes. Optionally, you can add a terraform destroy step to clean up resources, especially useful in non-production environments.

      Security and Further Learning

      Integrating GitHub Actions with HCP Terraform provides a secure and efficient way to manage infrastructure. HCP Terraform workspaces can be configured with environment variables or dynamic credentials, ensuring that sensitive information is handled securely. The GitHub Actions workflow doesn’t directly handle credentials, reducing the risk of compromised credentials.

      HCP Terraform also offers features like access controls, a private module registry, and policy enforcement to ensure that infrastructure changes are compliant with organizational policies.


      By leveraging GitHub Actions and HCP Terraform, teams can achieve reliable and efficient infrastructure management. This setup provides a powerful, automated pipeline for deploying and managing AWS infrastructure. It ensures that infrastructure changes are safe, consistent, and compliant with organizational standards.

      For further customization, explore the extensive documentation and resources available for both GitHub Actions and HCP Terraform.

      Author Bio: Saravanan Gnanaguru is a HashiCorp Ambassador and an expert in cloud automation and infrastructure as code.

      By following this guide, you can set up a robust and secure automated infrastructure management system using GitHub Actions and HashiCorp Terraform, ensuring a streamlined deployment process for your AWS resources.

For more Information, Refer to this article.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
: Comprehensive guides and tutorials to get started with HCP Terraform.
  • GitHub Actions Documentation: Learn how to create and manage workflows within GitHub.
  • Terraform on AWS: Explore how Terraform can be used with AWS to manage your cloud infrastructure.

    By integrating these powerful tools, you can revolutionize your cloud deployment strategy and stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
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