Telegram, the popular messaging app, has recently released a number of updates that have greatly improved the user experience. These updates include the ability to hide media, the option for zero storage usage, new drawing tools, and the addition of profile pictures for contacts.
#1. Hide Your Media
One update that has been well received by Telegram users is the ability to hide media. Spoiler formatting is a feature, supported by Telegram to hide any text in messages. In order to blur an image, you may now easily add a shimmering overlay to images and vids. Your intended audience only needs to tap once to end the spell and view the content.

This feature allows users to keep certain images and videos out of view, either for privacy reasons or to declutter their media library. This is especially useful for those who have a large amount of media and want to keep their library organized.
#2. Zero Storage Consumption
Another update that has been welcomed by users is the option for zero storage usage. This allows users to access media and files without taking up any storage space on their devices. This is especially useful for those with limited storage space on their phones or tablets.
Telegram may not take up much room on your device. You can always redownload files and media from your Telegram cloud after deleting them from the storage on your phone. Users can choose to have unnecessary things automatically erased after a predetermined period or to set a maximum cache size.

With this update, you may customize the auto-remove settings for cached media from Private Chats, Groups, and Channels while making exceptions for specific chats.
The new pie charts make it simpler to understand what’s taking up space, and dedicated tabs for Media, Files, and Music, make it simple to remove the heaviest items.
#3. More Text and Drawing Tools
In addition to these media-related updates, Telegram has also introduced some exciting new drawing tools. These tools allow users to create more detailed and precise drawings, making them ideal for artists and graphic designers.
Telegram’s extremely powerful media editor has undergone a major upgrade. Your lines automatically smoothed out with the help of drawing tools, which also dynamically change line width in response to drawing speed. There are 5 high-precision color selection methods, including the Eyedropper tool, as well as a new blur tool to hide intruders or confidential information.

Now, you can change the text size, font, and backdrop you add to photographs and videos.
Tap the “+” button to rapidly create shapes like rectangles, circles, arrows, stars, and chat bubbles. Hold the surface to add color to the canvas or to completely wipe it clean.
#4. Replace Profile Photos
Another update that has been well received is the ability to add profile pictures for contacts. This helps users to easily identify their contacts and personalize their communication experience. While modifying your contacts, you can choose a picture for them; no one else will be able to view it on their profile. You might suggest it if your contact has a good profile picture. It takes just two taps for them to add it to their profile. With just two taps you can add it to their profile. Go to Edit on a contact’s profile after opening it, then select “Set Photo for” or “Suggest Photo for.”

Moreover, You can also set a public image for everyone else if you restrict who can see your profile photos. Additionally, by setting visibility to “Nobody” and selecting particular people or groups as exceptions, you can now achieve the utmost level of profile picture privacy.
#5. Protect Members From Unwanted Messages
The use of technologies like the powerful anti-spam option helps keep large groups free of spam, however, some groups may also want to protect their members from unwanted personal messages.

Group admins can now choose to hide the member list if there are more than 100 members. In this way, only the admins will be aware of users’ presence if they don’t message in the group.
Along with that, jumping to other sites within the app as well as to a faraway reply in a chaotic chat now features smooth new animations.
Our selection of interactive emojis is constantly growing. Send a single in any one-on-one conversation, then tap on it to view full-screen effects with your chat partner.
Overall, these updates have greatly improved the Telegram user experience and offer new ways for users to organize, access, and share their media, as well as stay connected with friends and family.