Enable Or Disable Feeds On Widgets Board In Windows 11

WindowsWindows11Enable Or Disable Feeds On Widgets Board In Windows 11

With Windows 11, Microsoft introduced a revamped user interface, including a new feature known as the Widgets board. This feature provides quick access to various feeds like news, weather, and sports. For users looking to customize their experience, managing these feeds is essential. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to enable or disable feeds on the Widgets board in Windows 11.

Understanding the Widgets Board

The Widgets board in Windows 11 is a slide-out panel that appears on the left side of the screen. It can be accessed by clicking the Widgets icon on the taskbar or using the Windows key + W shortcut. This board is customizable, allowing users to add, remove, or rearrange various widgets to their liking.

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Enabling or Disabling Feeds

To manage the feeds on your Widgets board:

  1. Open Widgets: Press Win + W or click the Widgets icon on the taskbar.
  2. Access Settings: Click the gear icon located at the top right corner of the Widgets board.
  3. Manage Feeds: Click on “Show or hide feeds” in the Settings menu.
  4. Customize Feeds: Toggle On or Off the feeds you want to display on your Widgets board.
  5. Confirm Changes: Click on “Turn on” or “Turn off” to save your preferences.

Using ViVeTool for Additional Customization

If certain features aren’t available by default, you can use ViVeTool, an open-source utility, to enable hidden features in Windows 11. To use ViVeTool:

  1. Download and Extract ViVeTool: Obtain ViVeTool from its GitHub repository and extract it to a folder.
  2. Run ViVeTool Commands: Open a terminal in the extracted folder and run the following command: vivetool.exe /enable /id:42880174,44281626,45393399
  3. Launch Widgets Board: Press Win + W and open the Settings.
  4. Show or Hide Feeds: Select “Show or hide feeds” and toggle the feeds as desired.

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Additional Methods and Tips

  • Alternative Ways to Disable Feeds: If the standard method doesn’t work, try removing the Widgets button from the taskbar. This might help in keeping the Widgets disabled.
  • Blocking News and Ads: Currently, there’s no direct way to block all news feeds and ads. However, you can manually hide individual stories by clicking the “X” on the top right corner of each story.
  • Troubleshooting: Some users have reported that disabled widgets may reappear later. If this happens, try re-applying the settings or using ViVeTool again.

Advanced Customization of the Widgets Board in Windows 11

Deeper Customization with Group Policies and Registry Edits

For users seeking more control over the Widgets feature, Windows 11 provides options through Group Policy Editor and Registry Editor. These methods are particularly useful for system administrators or advanced users.

  1. Using Group Policy Editor:
    • Open the Group Policy Editor by typing gpedit.msc in the Run dialog.
    • Navigate to User Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Widgets.
    • Here, you can find policies to enable or disable Widgets altogether or configure specific behaviors.
  2. Registry Edits:
    • Open Registry Editor by typing regedit in the Run dialog.
    • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer.
    • Create or modify DWORD values to enable or disable specific aspects of Widgets.
    • Note: Registry editing can be risky; always back up your registry before making changes.

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Personalizing News Feed on Widgets Board

Users can personalize their news feed on the Widgets board to ensure they receive relevant and interesting content.

  1. Fine-Tune Interests:
    • Within the Widgets board, navigate to the news feed section.
    • Click on the “Manage interests” option to tailor the news topics to your preferences.
  2. Filtering Content Sources:
    • Some widgets allow you to select or deselect news sources.
    • By filtering sources, you can avoid unwanted content and focus on trusted news providers.

Accessibility Features for Widgets

Windows 11 includes accessibility features that ensure the Widgets board is usable for everyone, including those with disabilities.

  1. Screen Reader Compatibility:
    • Widgets are designed to work seamlessly with screen readers like Narrator.
    • Text descriptions and easy navigation are part of the design to assist visually impaired users.
  2. Keyboard Navigation:
    • The Widgets board is fully navigable using keyboard shortcuts.
    • This ensures users with mobility impairments can use the Widgets without a mouse.

Performance Considerations

While Widgets are generally optimized for performance, they can consume system resources, particularly on lower-end devices.

  1. Resource Management:
    • Disabling unnecessary widgets can help in reducing CPU and memory usage.
    • Keep an eye on the Task Manager to monitor the impact of Widgets on system performance.
  2. Impact on Battery Life:
    • On laptops and tablets, excessive use of Widgets might impact battery life.
    • Consider minimizing the use of dynamic or frequently updating widgets to conserve battery.

Future Updates and Community Feedback

Microsoft continuously updates Windows 11, often incorporating user feedback.

  1. Staying Updated:
    • Keep your system updated to receive the latest features and improvements for Widgets.
    • Check the Windows Update section regularly for new updates.
  2. Community Feedback:
    • Microsoft encourages feedback through the Feedback Hub app.
    • User suggestions and complaints often guide future updates and bug fixes.


Customizing the Widgets board in Windows 11 can significantly enhance your user experience by allowing you to control the information displayed on your desktop. Whether it’s enabling your favorite feeds or disabling unwanted news and ads, these steps provide the flexibility to tailor your Widgets board to your preferences. Remember, as Windows 11 continues to evolve, more customization options may become available in future updates.

Neil S
Neil S
Neil is a highly qualified Technical Writer with an M.Sc(IT) degree and an impressive range of IT and Support certifications including MCSE, CCNA, ACA(Adobe Certified Associates), and PG Dip (IT). With over 10 years of hands-on experience as an IT support engineer across Windows, Mac, iOS, and Linux Server platforms, Neil possesses the expertise to create comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that simplifies complex technical concepts for a wide audience.
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