Nowadays, Smartphones play a very vital role in technology. And in this article, we are going to talk about photography or Background removal in photos on smartphones or android. If you ever had a notion that background removal from an image is a thing that can only be done on a PC. You will be amazed. The time has changed, now there are plenty of apps on android to remove or change the background from a photo.
You can find a bunch of background removal apps on the play store, but most of them are filled with ads. So we’ve listed the top 5 apps for you with minimal ads and Photoshop-like results and best working.
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- Automatic Background Changer
- Apowersoft Background Eraser
- LightX
- Online Background Eraser tools
- Touch Retouch
- Conclusion
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Just as you do in Photoshop on PC, you need to trace the area in some apps and some apps now have an AI feature, which automatically selects or traces the picture. These apps make it so simple to remove or change the background and swap it with anything you want. Let’s begin and discuss the Apps in detail.
Automatic Background Changer
- Free
- Lots of Background choices
- Additional editing features included
- Retains original image quality
- Can be slow to process
- Limited on its subject detection
It is a fantastic app. As the name implies, this app has an option to have the program itself automatically paste your picture on a transparent background. And you can do this process manually if you want to. This app has a lot of built-in backgrounds to utilize, so you don’t necessarily have to bring a background with you. Apart from all the features, this app has some limitations too. This app can only recognize human, canine, or feline subjects, and nothing else effectively. But, with the manual feature of the app, one can erase the background. Another limitation is that the app can be quite slow to process images- however, it does retain the original file size and quality upon export.
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2. Apowersoft Background Eraser![Remove background]()
- AI subject detection
- Tools to remedy AI mistakes
- Built-in backgrounds
- Misleading on payment
Apowersoft Background Eraser is one the best app for its purpose and also got good reviews. It is a powerful tool that provides multiple options for swapping out the background of your photo, ranging from allowing AI to do all of the work to manually outlining your subject. This app has a very simple UI – upload your image, select the selection type, and let the app do the rest of the work. With enough tools to tweak and rectify AI mistakes, it’s not too difficult to do a pretty realistic background swap. This app also provides some built-in options for the background as well as the ability to upload your own backgrounds.
It has a limitation also which is that Apowersoft is listed as a free app with paid features on the Android store, and it allows you to play with the app and do some background adjustments. Once you want to export, the app will not let you do so until you pay for it.
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3. LightX![Remove background]()
- Great interface
- Lots of advanced tools
- Inclusion of the Magic Brush Tool
- Can’t change brush sizes
- Unable to move around the picture when editing
It is a unique option on our list in the fact that it’s truly attempting to compete against the apps such as Snapseed and lightroom with their tremendous amount of features. Its background removal options are quite notable in the app. For background removal, you have several options of how to chop your subject right out of the background. Lasso tool, which allows you to select similar regions and remove them in one swoop. Magic Brush tool can be used if you want to remove only specific areas of the background.
If we talk about some limitations of this app then it would be about the brush sizes. The brush size doesn’t get as small and precise as it can, making some forms of fine-tuning a bit more difficult.
With its additional features, such as curves, exposure, color, and more. This is the best all-around paid editing app.
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4. Online Background Eraser tools
- Time-saving
- Storage saving
- Money-saving
- Easy to use
- Low quality
- Loads of edges
- Not suitable for commercial use
Online background removal software is the easiest way to remove the background from an image. These tools or software are free to use for medium-quality images and also do not add any watermark. Fortunately, they also let you save images in PNG format.
Here is a list of some online background removal tools:
With these tools, AI quickly removes the background from images and the results are the best in the industry even better than the photoshop magic eraser. It needs an active internet connection to run it. It works great on mobile. You just have to upload the file and download the result. It’s really that simple.
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5. Touch Retouch![Remove background]()
- One-touch fixes
- Easy to use
- Single flick line removal
- Paid
- Doesn’t allow you to change the details of the picture
There are often times when you don’t actually want to remove the whole background just a part of it. There can be a lampost, wires, or anything that doesn’t belong in the picture. Touch retouch is a great app that removes background objects with minimal effort. You can simply upload an image and tap on the line remover to erase wires from the image. It also lets you remove objects and you can use a brush tool or lasso to select the object. You can perform quick repairs and remove blemishes from the picture with the app.
So, which app is best for you? Let us know in the comments. Most of the apps use AI for background removal and have several different features.